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Assomet, patron of MCR EXPO, at the hearing in the Chamber of Deputies on the new Legislative Decree. 84 “Critical raw materials”

The Productive Activities Commission met with the leaders of the non-ferrous metal industries association on the new Legislative Decree no. 84 of 25 June 2024 “Urgent provisions on critical raw materials of strategic interest”.

The director of Assomet, Orazio Zoccolan, spoke at the beginning of July at the Productive Activities Commission of the Chamber of Deputies on the topic of critical raw materials, the subject of the Legislative Decree. n. 84 of last June 2024.

Non-ferrous metals – observed Zoccolan – are mostly classified as critical and strategic raw materials, as in the case of copper and aluminium. For this reason Assomet is directly interested in the rules for adapting to the provisions of the Critical Raw Materials Act ( CRMA – EU Regulation 2024/1252) and welcomes the will of the Italian government to rationalize the required administrative obligations for strategic projects“.

“Europe’s energy transition objectives – said Zoccolan – will increase the demand for base metals (aluminium, copper, zinc, silicon), battery materials (lithium, cobalt, nickel, graphite, manganese, lead), rare earths and others. And we know well that metals represent a permanent resource thanks to recycling. Incentivizing and promoting recycling activities will allow a better supply of raw materials for manufacturing industries, in particular those involved in products necessary for the ecological and digital transition, reducing dependence on non-EU supplies“.

Regarding the merits of Legislative Decree no. 84, the director of Assomet brought to the attention of the Commission the issue of the export of scrap metal outside Europe, requesting that the monitoring of flows, already provided for ferrous metals by Legislative Decree 21/2022 , be extended to copper and aluminum scrap, burdened by the same supply problems on the national territory.

“Our proposal – stated Zoccolan – involves adding the Ateco codes for copper and aluminum scrap to those already present. The overall opinion on the provision is positive, however we believe it is necessary to strengthen some measures to speed up the authorization processes. And we join the considerations expressed by Confindustria, in particular where they support the criteria dictated by the circular economy, which promotes the recycling of strategic materials”.

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Registrations open for MCR EXPO, the European metal recycling fair

Reservations for exhibition spaces for the first edition of MCR EXPO – Metal Circular Recycling, the trade fair dedicated to the industrial and commercial system of metal recovery and recycling, scheduled from 14 to 16 May 2025 at Centro Fiera Montichiari will begin on 15 May 2024. of Montichiari (Brescia).

One year after the event, the interest of all the sectors involved in this exhibition is growing, unique in Italy and Europe, whose objective is to offer companies industrial supply chains that constitute the backbone of the circular economy of metals a meeting place, a place for discussion, a point of reference where the most up-to-date technological solutions and the most innovative products in the sector can be showcased. The event will give the opportunity to evaluate and make a proactive synthesis in terms of environmental sustainability, green energy and guarantees of access to raw materials, considering the strategic importance of the metal recycling system for the short-term objectives indicated by the European Union.

In the meantime, the organizers of MCR EXPO are multiplying contacts with the associations and institutions of the sectors to which the event is dedicated with the aim of providing, from the first edition, also from this perspective, a precise location for the new Exhibition of the Circular Economy of Metals.

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Remove barriers to shipping black mass batteries for recycling within the EU

Eurometaux, the European association of producers and recyclers of non-ferrous metals, has long been committed to the institutions of the European Union so that all the issues that currently hinder the movement of end-of-life lithium-ion batteries and their intermediate waste within EU borders.

Representing the industry of the sector – which includes battery manufacturers, suppliers of the raw materials necessary to make them and the entire recycling chain – Eurometaux underlined how the Union, starting from the adoption of the action plan strategy on batteries in 2019, has in fact paved the way for the construction of the value chain of this product, in particular by including batteries themselves among the main objectives within the European strategy on the availability of strategic raw materials. It is in fact essential that the precious materials used to make the batteries remain in Europe and are used for future production, making the continent less dependent on imports from third countries.

Given the shortage of critical raw materials used in zero-impact technologies, Eurometaux underlines that the EU should as a priority remove obstacles to rapid and optimal recycling of lithium-ion batteries within its territory, in line with the objective to establish a truly circular battery value chain.

Today, on the contrary, moving end-of-life lithium-ion batteries and their black mass within the Union is a complicated, long and expensive process, which prevents true intra-EU competition for recycling services. The main reasons are the divergent interpretation by Member States of the waste codes for these batteries, as well as the rigor, complication and “oddities” of the administrative procedures for obtaining the green light for shipment. If the situation is not changed, it will be difficult for Europe to achieve its objectives and cope with the high volumes of end-of-life batteries expected for the next decade.

For this reason, Eurometaux invites the Council and the European Parliament to include specific provisions in the new EU Regulation on Waste Shipments which:
– ensure an adequate update of the EU waste list, with dedicated codes for lithium-ion batteries and related intermediate waste streams (black mass), including a hazardous waste classification for black mass;
– ensure that these codes are fully harmonized at continental level;
– define a simpler and faster shipping procedure for this waste, intended for reuse within the Union.

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Stop aluminum from Russia: EA – European Aluminum calls for a block on imports into the European Union

Stop aluminum imports from Russia. This is what EA – European Aluminium, the organization that represents the light metal industry at a continental level, bringing together primary and secondary aluminum producers ( from recycling), downstream producers and national business associations in this supply chain. The time is ripe, given that Europe has now proven itself capable of satisfying the growing demand for this strategic raw material.

“The European aluminum industry has already significantly reduced its dependence on imports of Russian metal, with a decline of 34% in 2023 compared to the previous year – states EA – and this is why we now encourage EU institutions to expand the scope of the sanctions on all the main categories of light metal products, such as billets and ingots, which constitute 85% of EU imports from Russia”.

By continuing to strengthen the recovery and recycling system and thus increasing individual national production capacities, the European aluminum industry will be increasingly able to satisfy the growing demand for light metal while guaranteeing its indispensable strategic autonomy .